Bridal Bouquet Beatrix by Flowers For Ever After - Online Wedding Florist

Beatrix Bridal Bouquet


A dark and moody bridal bouquet in an up-swept silk flower design, that will look perfect in front of dusty mauve, dark blue, navy, plum, dark purple, raspberry, grey/silver, and black.

Features dark purple open autumn roses, plum; banksia, roses, purple rose buds, black roses, black cluster berries, wine leaf, black grass, crystal set twig spray, and black maidenhair.
The bouquets handle is partially wrapped in plum ribbon with a black crochet lace sash.  Measures approximately 28cm across the top not including the fine spray elements.

*Any bouquet package over $500AUD before postage, will receive a free matching throw bouquet.  Limit of one per customer.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.


A dark and moody bridal bouquet in an up-swept silk flower design, that will look perfect in front of dusty mauve, dark blue, navy, plum, dark purple, raspberry, grey/silver, and black.

Features dark purple open autumn roses, plum; banksia, roses, purple rose buds, black roses, black cluster berries, wine leaf, black grass, crystal set twig spray, and black maidenhair.
The bouquets handle is partially wrapped in plum ribbon with a black crochet lace sash.  Measures approximately 28cm across the top not including the fine spray elements. See the bridal bouquet in action here.

*Any bouquet package over $500AUD before postage, will receive a free matching throw bouquet.  Limit of one per customer.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

Additional information

Weight .9 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 10 cm