Ava Bridal Bouquet

Ava Bridal Bouquet


A sweet romantic blush silk bridal bouquet, that will work perfectly for bridal parties wearing; blush, pink, rose pink, dusty pink, raspberry, burgundy, navy, dusty and steel blue, royal blue, purple, eggplant, plum, silver and black.

Features an ivory dahlia, cream pink roses, white peonies, ivory roses, white roses, dusty pink roses, dusty pink button roses, baby’s breath, and light pink cluster astilbe. The bouquets handle is finished in pale blush satin with beaded and jewelled accessory (this jewelled accessory varies in it’s design depending on what is currently available).  Other ribbon colour options are available in the drop menu below… Other colour options will be a clean wrap without the jewelled accessory. Measures approximately 25cm (9.5-10 inches) across.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

Additional information

Weight .65 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 10 cm

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