Carmen Faux Flower Bridal Bouquet


Burgundy, pink, and white flowers can effortlessly adapt to various wedding themes, from vintage and romantic to modern and chic.  This combination can feel perfectly at home in a rustic barn or a refined ballroom, allowing you to express your unique style and vision for your wedding day.

Ideal for bridal parties in burgundy; navy; blue; rust; blush; pink; rose gold; dusty pink; sage green; emerald green; raspberry; mauve; dark red; champagne; silver, and black.

This Bouquet features cream pink dahlia; white Mona roses; ivory velvet star roses; pink green early bloom roses;  carmine velvet burgundy roses; blush pink ball peony; burgundy mini ranunculus; white lisianthus; seeded foliage; red boronia; dollar gum; seeded gum foliage; and apple foliage branches.  Measures 42cm across and 25cm deep fron to back.  The design is a wider presentation, so that it can be held closer to the body without losing a full floral look.  This setting is very flattering for most body shapes.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

***Bridal bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy. Limit of one per client.


Burgundy, pink, and white flowers can effortlessly adapt to various wedding themes, from vintage and romantic to modern and chic.  This combination can feel perfectly at home in a rustic barn or a refined ballroom, allowing you to express your unique style and vision for your wedding day.

Ideal for bridal parties in burgundy; navy; blue; rust; blush; pink; rose gold; dusty pink; sage green; emerald green; raspberry; mauve; dark red; champagne; silver, and black.

This Bouquet features cream pink dahlia; white Mona roses; ivory velvet star roses; pink green early bloom roses;  carmine velvet burgundy roses; blush pink ball peony; burgundy mini ranunculus; white lisianthus; seeded foliage; red boronia; dollar gum; seeded gum foliage; and apple foliage branches.  Measures 42cm across and 25cm deep fron to back.  The design is a wider presentation, so that it can be held closer to the body without losing a full floral look.  This setting is very flattering for most body shapes.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

***Bridal bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy. Limit of one per client.

Custom Options

Many burgundy styles to choose from. We love a good challenge, it gets the creativity flowing so custom orders are always welcome!

***Please note that Shipping world wide is available.  Contact us for specific timeframes.  Rush orders can be accepted…please contact us with any rush order requests.

***We are happy to help! *CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)0439 810 982 or leave a message via Facebook Messenger HERE . 

Additional information

Weight .89 kg
Dimensions 25 × 30 × 15 cm


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