Charlotte Faux Flower Bridal Bouquet


Pastel wildflowers intertwined with the romance of roses, can be particularly meaningful for couples who want to reflect their love for nature in their wedding. An unstructured and free-spirited arrangement of wildflowers brings an element of spontaneity and joy, capturing the essence of love in bloom. Their soft hues complement a wide array of wedding themes. Whether you’re envisioning a rustic barn celebration, a sophisticated garden affair, or a beachside ceremony, these flowers can seamlessly blend into your desired aesthetic, adding an organic look that is both inviting and refreshing.

Perfectly suited to bridal parties in a wide variety of gown colour themes, including; blush; champagne; rust; apricot; light pink; lavender; lilac; navy, all blues; raspberry; all purples; yellows; burgundy; sage; any greens; ivory; silver; and black.

This posy features lilac camelia blooms; champagne roses; pink edged cream button bud roses; lavender mini flowers, seeds and berries; carmine velvet champagne roses; purple vibrum; Queen Annes lace; lavender lily of the valley; white flowering wild veronica; ivory hydrangea; antique cream rose buds; cream mini peonies; and sprays of sage willow fern and parsley fern.

Measures 33cm across and 23cm deep (front to back).   The design is a wider presentation, so that it can be held closer to the body without losing a full floral look.  This setting is very flattering for most body shapes.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.


Pastel wildflowers intertwined with the romance of roses, can be particularly meaningful for couples who want to reflect their love for nature in their wedding. An unstructured and free-spirited arrangement of wildflowers brings an element of spontaneity and joy, capturing the essence of love in bloom. Their soft hues complement a wide array of wedding themes. Whether you’re envisioning a rustic barn celebration, a sophisticated garden affair, or a beachside ceremony, these flowers can seamlessly blend into your desired aesthetic, adding an organic look that is both inviting and refreshing.

Perfectly suited to bridal parties in a wide variety of gown colour themes, including; blush; champagne; rust; apricot; light pink; lavender; lilac; navy, all blues; raspberry; all purples; yellows; burgundy; sage; any greens; ivory; silver; and black.

This posy features lilac camelia blooms; champagne roses; pink edged cream button bud roses; lavender mini flowers, seeds and berries; carmine velvet champagne roses; purple vibrum; Queen Annes lace; lavender lily of the valley; white flowering wild veronica; ivory hydrangea; antique cream rose buds; cream mini peonies; and sprays of sage willow fern and parsley fern.

Measures 33cm across and 23cm deep (front to back).   The design is a wider presentation, so that it can be held closer to the body without losing a full floral look.  This setting is very flattering for most body shapes.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

Custom Options

Many sweet pastel bridal wildflower styles to choose from. We love a good challenge, it gets the creativity flowing so custom orders are always welcome!

***Please note that Shipping world wide is available.  Contact us for specific timeframes.  Rush orders can be accepted…please contact us with any rush order requests.

***We are happy to help! *CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)0439 810 982 or leave a message via Facebook Messenger HERE . 

Additional information

Weight .85 kg
Dimensions 15 × 20 × 15 cm


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