Dawn Silk Bridal Bouquet


A lucsious cascading silk flower bouquet in rich warm colours. Ideal for bridal parties wearing ivory; burgundy; rust; burnt orange; mustard; sage; navy; red; emerald; latte; champagne; olive; and black.

This faux floral bouquet features rust empress; blush cream large leucosperum; latte centred Ecuador roses; burgundy fine berries; light burnt orange rose; ivory wattle; cream small leucosperum; dry feel burnt apricot rose buds; cream peonies; brown berry clusters; olive branches with brown olives; cypress sprays; mixed brown and green foliage to finish, with draping dark cream wheat spray.   The stem is partially wrapped in cream ivory satin .

The pictured bouquet measures approximately 30cm across the top and 55cm long from tip to tip.  This is a standard sized tear, and will suit brides over 5’2 in height (before heels).

***Bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy. Limit of one per client.

CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)439 810 982


A lucsious cascading silk flower bouquet in rich warm colours. Ideal for bridal parties wearing ivory; burgundy; rust; burnt orange; mustard; sage; navy; red; emerald; latte; champagne; olive; and black.

This faux floral bouquet features rust empress; blush cream large leucosperum; latte centred Ecuador roses; burgundy fine berries; light burnt orange rose; ivory wattle; cream small leucosperum; dry feel burnt apricot rose buds; cream peonies; brown berry clusters; olive branches with brown olives; cypress sprays; mixed brown and green foliage to finish, with draping dark cream wheat spray.   The stem is partially wrapped in cream ivory satin .

The pictured bouquet measures approximately 30cm across the top and 55cm long from tip to tip.  This is a standard sized tear, and will suit brides over 5’2 in height (before heels).

***Bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy. Limit of one per client.

CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)439 810 982

Additional information

Weight .8 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 30 cm


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