Edna Silk Native Bridal Bouquet


A stunning silk bridal bouquet in warm earth toned Australian natives, with touches of cottage garden blooms, and absolutely no roses!  Perfect for bridal parties wearing rust; mustard; green; navy; olive; burgundy; browns; champagne; ivory; silver; and black.

Features a glorious ivory white true Australian native waratah in the heart of the design, partnered with ivory protea; flowering Veronica; sea holly thistle; rust red fine berries; rust orange red firewheel aster;  white blushing bride protea; rust banksia; ivory cascara; white Geraldton wax flowers; yellow billy balls; ivory marigold; small gumnuts; spinning gum spires;  and a mixture of sage and blue green eucalypt varieties.    Stem wrapped in ivory satin with draping terracotta linen. Measures approximately 40-42cm across and 25cm deep fron to back.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 betwe-en 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

1 in stock


A stunning silk bridal bouquet in warm earth toned Australian natives, with touches of cottage garden blooms, and absolutely no roses!  Perfect for bridal parties wearing rust; mustard; green; navy; olive; burgundy; browns; champagne; ivory; silver; and black.

Features a glorious ivory white true Australian native waratah in the heart of the design, partnered with ivory protea; flowering Veronica; sea holly thistle; rust red fine berries; rust orange red firewheel aster;  white blushing bride protea; rust banksia; ivory cascara; white Geraldton wax flowers; yellow billy balls; ivory marigold; small gumnuts; spinning gum spires;  and a mixture of sage and blue green eucalypt varieties.    Stem wrapped in ivory satin with draping terracotta linen. Measures approximately 40-42cm across and 25cm deep fron to back.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 betwe-en 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

Custom Options

Many Romantic bridal bouquet flower styles to choose from. We love a good challenge, it gets the creativity flowing so custom orders are always welcome!

***Please note that Shipping world wide is available.  Contact us for specific timeframes.  Rush orders can be accepted…please contact us with any rush order requests.

***We are happy to help! *CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)0439 810 982 or leave a message via Facebook Messenger HERE . 

Additional information

Weight .8 kg
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 20 cm


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