Hannah Silk Bridal Bouquet


Unusually set in an offset sweetheart shape, this silk bridal bouquet meets every elegant and romantic requirement in bridal flowers, in a way that stands apart from ‘regular’ bridal designs.  Perfectly suited to bridal parties in a wide variety of gown colour themes, including; blush; champagne;  gold; rose gold; dusty pink; mauve; navy, all blues; raspberry; burgundy; plum; purple; sage; ivory; silver; and black.

Features natural white cymbidium orchids, dark dusty pink roses, deep raspberry heritage roses, pink edged blush cream English roses and buds, dusty blush pink hydrangea, dusty pink poppy, champagne roses and buds, dusty rose pink Ecuador roses, cream pink David Austin rose, roseberry bush, plume pampas spray, and gold camellia leaf (the gold leaf can be swapped for more plume pampas at your request). Bouquet handle finished in dusty pink satin with a rose pink frayed linen and cream organza draping tie.  Measures approximately 45cm x 26cm across the top.  This is a wider spraying shape that can be held closer to the body for comfort.  This shape is very flattering to most body types, drawing attention to the upper bodice without taking over the gown visually.

***Bridal bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy.  Limit of one per customer.

CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)439 810 982

1 in stock


Unusually set in an offset sweetheart shape, this silk bridal bouquet meets every elegant and romantic requirement in bridal flowers, in a way that stands apart from ‘regular’ bridal designs.  Perfectly suited to bridal parties in a wide variety of gown colour themes, including; blush; champagne;  gold; rose gold; dusty pink; mauve; navy, all blues; raspberry; burgundy; plum; purple; sage; ivory; silver; and black.

Features natural white cymbidium orchids, dark dusty pink roses, deep raspberry heritage roses, pink edged blush cream English roses and buds, dusty blush pink hydrangea, dusty pink poppy, champagne roses and buds, dusty rose pink Ecuador roses, cream pink David Austin rose, roseberry bush, plume pampas spray, and gold camellia leaf. Bouquet handle finished in dusty pink satin with a rose pink frayed linen and cream organza draping tie.  Measures approximately 45cm x 26cm across the top.  This is a wider spraying shape that can be held closer to the body for comfort.  This shape is very flattering to most body types, drawing attention to the upper bodice without taking over the gown visually.

***Bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy.  Limit of one per customer.

CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)439 810 982

Additional information

Weight .89 kg
Dimensions 25 × 20 × 10 cm


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