Mary-Kate Bridesmaid Bouquet

Mary-Kate Bridesmaid Bouquet


A flowing rustic style posy built simply to create a sweet yet affordable posy.  A shallow style rustic posy, this bouquet features 7 natural white silk roses, baby’s breath, blue gum, spinning gum, and populus gum foliage for texture and movement.   The stem is partially wrapped in a bridal white (ivory) satin.

The pictured posy measures approximately 21cm (8 inches) across not including the foliage spray.   This is a shallow design posy which means the design is focused on the top face of the bouquet, and doesn’t carry flowers in the underside which is a great way to keep costs down without sacrificing a bridal look/size.

***Bridal bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy.  Limit of one per client.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.


4 in stock


A flowing rustic style posy built simply to create a sweet yet affordable posy.  A shallow style rustic posy, this bouquet features 7 natural white silk roses, baby’s breath, blue gum, spinning gum, and populus gum foliage for texture and movement.   The stem is partially wrapped in a bridal white (ivory) satin.

The pictured posy measures approximately 21cm (8 inches) across not including the foliage spray.   This is a shallow design posy which means the design is focused on the top face of the bouquet, and doesn’t carry flowers in the underside which is a great way to keep costs down without sacrificing a bridal look/size.

***Bridal bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy.  Limit of one per client.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

Additional information

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 10 cm

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