Myaree Bridesmaids Bouquet

Myaree Bridesmaids Bouquet


A perfect wild rustic ivory white collection of Australian native and classic artificial blooms.

Features an ivory banksia bloom, bridal white roses, white Geraldton wax flowers, ranunculi, astilbe, lily of the valley, fittonia, pepper berry leaf, and seeded eucalypt foliage. The bouquets handle is finished in burlap, with ivory organza and satin draping ribbon. Other ribbon colour options are available in the drop menu below. Measures approximately 22cm (8 inches) across.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 before 6pm, AEDST for more details.

***Any single order bridal bouquet package over $500AUD receive a free matching throw bouquet.

Additional information

Weight .45 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 20 cm

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