Katherine Native Bridal Bouquet


Perfect textured cascading silk Australian native bouquet design.  Perfect for bridal parties wearing, burgundy, red, champagne, navy, mustard, sage, blush, dusty pink, brown and tan, gold, greens, burnt orange, greys and black.

Features a stunning deep red banksia, burnt orange kangaroo paw, sunset banksia, leucodendron, pink Geraldton wax flowers, ivory burdock, rust seed, rusty boxwood, brown millet, dried wheat spray, purple Erica, sage blue gum,  Autumn dollar gum, and draping sage budded willow.  Bouquet handle is finished in lace trimmed linen with a button and twine accent.   Measures approximately 24cm x 43cm across the top.  This design is a wider spray but narrow so that it can be held close to the body for a more flattering, less heavy look.

***Bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy.  Limit of one per customer.

CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)439 810 982

1 in stock


Perfect textured cascading silk Australian native bouquet design.  Perfect for bridal parties wearing, burgundy, red, champagne, navy, mustard, sage, blush, dusty pink, brown and tan, gold, greens, burnt orange, greys and black.

Bride – Features a stunning deep red banksia, burnt orange kangaroo paw, sunset banksia, leucodendron, pink Geraldton wax flowers, ivory burdock, rust seed, rusty boxwood, brown millet, dried wheat spray, purple Erica, sage blue gum,  Autumn dollar gum, and draping sage budded willow.  Bouquet handle is finished in lace trimmed linen with a button and twine accent.   Measures approximately 24cm x 43cm across the top.  This design is a wider spray but narrow so that it can be held close to the body for a more flattering, less heavy look.

***Bouquet package orders over $500AUD (postage not included), will receive a FREE matching toss/throw posy.  Limit of one per customer.

CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)439 810 982

Additional information

Weight .7 kg
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 30 cm


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