Alannah Bridesmaids Bouquet


A beautiful white silk bouquet bridesmaids faux flower posy, perfect for bridal parties wearing absolutely any colour.  A classic romantic style.

Features a collection of blooms in different shades of natural whites and ivory, including classic white bridal roses, ivory tea roses, open luxe rose, ivory bridal roses, hydrangea, and baby’s breath.  Lightly trimmed with native sage coloured eucalypt foliage.  Stem wrapped in bridal white satin…other options in drop menu below. Measures approximately 22cm across.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.


A beautiful white silk bouquet bridesmaids faux flower posy, perfect for bridal parties wearing absolutely any colour.  A classic romantic style.

Features a collection of faux flowers in different shades of natural whites and ivory, including classic white bridal roses, ivory tea roses, open luxe rose, ivory bridal roses, hydrangea, and baby’s breath.  Lightly trimmed with native sage coloured eucalypt foliage.  Stem wrapped in bridal white satin…other options in drop menu below. Measures approximately 22cm across.

***CONTACT MARIA ON +61(0)439 810 982 between 9am and 6pm AEDST for more details.

Custom Options

Many Romantic bridal bouquet flower styles to choose from. We love a good challenge, it gets the creativity flowing so custom orders are always welcome!

***Please note that Shipping world wide is available.  Contact us for specific timeframes.  Rush orders can be accepted…please contact us with any rush order requests.

***We are happy to help! *CONTACT MARIA before 6pm AEDST for more details on (+61)0439 810 982 or leave a message via Facebook Messenger HERE . 

Additional information

Weight .44 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm

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